

~ Rolling Dice ~

“Rolling Dice” is a complex of three summer houses located near Ag. Andreas, Paros, overlooking the bay of Kolymbithres. As the name suggests, it consists of white plastered volumes that “roll” on the landscape, offering to the whole a sense of movement and flow.

Our primary concern was to create a building that blends with the landscape and the slope of the surrounding hills. Architecture should not try to compete with the peaceful surroundings but rather complement and amplify them.

The main house blends with the natural landscape, creating shafts that bring southern light to the center of the house and at the same time offering unobstructed view to Kolymbithres and Ag. Kali.


The houses are divided into smaller volumes, to better adjust to the scale of vernacular farmhouses and adjust to the slope. The patios created between the corresponding volumes house different activities throughout the day.


Rolling Dice

Architecture: NoDāta Architecture, Christos Gourdoukis & Xenia Papastergiou

Design Team: Christos Gourdoukis, Xenia Papastergiou, Emily Karkoulia

Location: Paros

Date: 2020-2021